Weaving a Human-Centric Approach into the Fabric of Sustainable Progress

Tanfeeth's Noteworthy Presence at COP28.

Tanfeeth drives Emiratization agenda with expansion of Khorfakkan office

COP28, hosted this year in Dubai, stands as a testament to the UAE's unwavering commitment to addressing the global climate agenda and it is an honour for all of us living in the UAE to be part of a country that boldly stands at the forefront of the battle against climate change. Dubai's hosting of this crucial event signals a proactive approach to fostering sustainability and environmental responsibility on a global scale.

The prestigious gathering at COP28 provided an exceptional platform for Tanfeeth, a subsidiary of Emirates NBD Group and COP28’s Principal Banking Partner, to showcase our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. As a testament to this dedication, Fatima Abdulrahman, Chief Human Resource Officer at Tanfeeth, stood alongside Abdulla Qassem, Group Chief Operations Officer, and Miguel Rio Tinto, Group Chief Information and Digital Officer, as they collectively highlighted Emirates NBD's substantial contributions to sustainability through its comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy. This unique opportunity allowed the key representatives to delve into the intricacies of how the organization is actively shaping a more sustainable future.

Abdulla Qassem, Miguel Rio Tinto and Fatima Abdulrahman explained the multifaceted initiatives and innovations implemented by Emirates NBD Group to reduce its ecological footprint, support social inclusivity, and uphold ethical governance standards. The collective aim was to position the bank as a responsible financial institution, actively contributing to the UAE's vision of a sustainable and innovative future.

Tanfeeth CHRO highlighted the role of the organization in fostering a human-centric culture while aligning with the broader ESG strategy of the Group and emphasized that, beyond financial success, Tanfeeth is deeply invested in the well-being of its community, the environment, and the sustainable growth of the UAE.

In the impactful two-hour session held at the Climate Finance Hub at COP28, Fatima highlighted the Tanfeeth's specific contributions to sustainability. She emphasized Tanfeeth's commitment to gender equality, inclusion of People of Determination, dedication to Emiratization, talent development initiatives, and how these contribute to the strides made in paperless and digital solutions. These focal points highlighted below showcase Tanfeeth's proactive role in championing a more sustainable and socially responsible business approach.

Tanfeeth drives Emiratization agenda with expansion of Khorfakkan office image 2

Tanfeeth, as the region's first large-scale shared services organization, employs over 3500 individuals, all based in the UAE. Our commitment to local workforce engagement over offshore options underscores our belief that our greatest asset is our people. Our focus is on fostering a culture of sustainability, diversity, and inclusion within our operations.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives:

Gender equality is non-negotiable at Tanfeeth, with a balanced composition of 54% male and 46% female employees, representing 57 nationalities. Tanfeeth is proud to have 30% female representation in leadership roles reinforced by initiatives such as the SHE program, launched in 2021, supporting returning mothers and ensuring an inclusive strategy for their reintroduction to the workforce.

Supporting People of Determination:

Our commitment to diversity extends to supporting People of Determination, with 35 remarkable individuals at Tanfeeth. The 'TogetherLimitless' Careers Network, launched in 2015, encourages employers in the UAE to hire People of Determination, promoting their productive role in society.


Aligning with the UAE's Nationalization Agenda, Emiratization is a cornerstone for Tanfeeth. We aspires to achieve 45% Emirati representation by 2026, with strategic initiatives such as establishing a Contact Center in Ras Al Khaimah run entirely by UAE nationals. Expansion plans include extending efforts to the cities of Khorfakkan and Al Ain to attract and employ untapped Emirati talent in urban and remote areas of the UAE.

Tanfeeth drives Emiratization agenda with expansion of Khorfakkan office Image 3

Talent Development:

Our commitment to talent development is evident in programs designed to upskill and reskill employees, preparing them for future jobs while maintaining a focus on environmental and social responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

At the heart of Tanfeeth’s ethos is Corporate Social Responsibility. In 2023, 15% of our workforce volunteered for CSR initiatives, dedicating 2,400 hours to causes such as beach and ocean clean-ups and mangrove planting.

Employee Wellbeing and Paperless Initiatives:

Tanfeeth’s work-from-home practice, initiated during the pandemic, remains, resulting in a 61% reduction in carbon emissions. We have also reduced paper usage by approximately 55%, equivalent to an 18,300-kilogram reduction in carbon footprint. Digital initiatives, such as tablet banking, have further decreased our carbon footprint by 2,500 kilograms monthly.

Digital Solutions for a Sustainable Future:

Tanfeeth’s sustainable strategy extends to digital solutions, promoting green finance and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. Over the last four years, Tanfeeth has actively invested in sustainable projects, achieving a 90% migration to e-statements and 78% digital sourcing for credit cards.

At Tanfeeth and Emirates NBD Group, our collective efforts, passion, and dedication are the driving force behind the positive changes we aim to achieve. Together, we are shaping a future that is not just sustainable but extraordinary.

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